Lightful - Fullight:
This drawing was made by Buckminster Fuller when he was in his late twenties. It points already to his whole legacy, to his whole lifes achievement, like a foreboding: In the upper left corner is the heart, for love. In the lower left corner is the baby, Allegra, that had just be born. (Allegra must have been in her late seventies or early eighties when we met her. She had become a dancer. She is a charming and radiating person full of happyness. We spoke about Pauline Oliveros whom we both had just recently met.)
In the upper left corner is the sun, in the lower left the church. The earth in the centre is surrounded by planes, automobiles and other means of transport.
In between zeppelins' and different kinds of houses. It is already showing a completely interconnected and globalised world ... and that in 01920.
The left vertical axis reads:
go back