Our key elements of transformative education
- Working on 'real' and relevant projects that matter to the learners
- Integrating Human-centred design with sustainability and ecology
- Cybernetics/2nd-order cybernetics, systems thinking and ecological literacy
- Inclusive, participatory & collaboratively
- We're all learners: working together on an eye-level
- Learning is situated and embodied. How we feel influences learning.
- Learning is most successful without anxiety and pressure. This happens in play, exploration, research (Learning, designing, playing and researching) (Hüther, Robinson)
- Learning is a social experience and is constituting a community of practice
- Language and how we interact matters: We care. We are learning a culture, a way of seeing and way of being a ... .
- Inclusive, diverse and caring
- Conversational learning (Banathy, Turkle)
- Communicating with clarity and care (Maturana, Costa),
- Verbalising learnings: Making the implicit explicit, deep-learning through linking theory and practice. Active theorising.
- Reflection, reflective practice, fostering critical thinking. (Schon)
- Learning for error, surprise, uncertainty, ambiguity
- Goal oriented? Learning objectives? (Dublin Descriptors, McKernan, Peter Jones, Harold Nelson)
- Feedback culture: Generous, curios, constructive, caring (Bologna, Dublin Descriptors, EQR-LLL, QR-EHR)
- Structure and process oriented. Results are important but process matters. We encourage error to reflect and learn from error. Erring is systemic and part of the human condition. > mindset, emotion, learning,
- Listening, dialogical, reflective