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Teaching art & design, theory and practice

In the last semesters i taught introductory classes in HTML, history of web art, (Jodi, etc.). Gave tutorials and some basic classes in Macromedia Director (while Simon tought Lingo). Now this would have to be Processing ... Definetely.

This semester it is a follow-up seminar on modernism for product designers. Enlightenment, the industrial revolution, Sigmund Freud - and how we got to where we are now. ... and if we are truely living in the postmodern era.

WS 2008/09 2h course on “critical analysis” for post-graduate students from design.

WS 2008 Informal tutorials with MA students working with digital media

WS 2007 10 x 2 h “Web-Art” course for MA students in design. This included history, theory and practice of Web-Art and Code-Art. Technical issues were HTML, CSS as well as Java-script for the generation of web-pages. Additionally some Internet background such as HTTP, TCP/IP, ISO-OSI model and copyright issues.

2003 - 2006 Regular lectures for BA/MA art and design students on media history and theory such as Marshall McLuhan, Lev Manovich, Paul Virilio, panorama, panopticon, history of computing, media and globalisation. Regular meetings and tutorials with post-graduate students and tutorials with BA/MA students from art and design. Usually these covered project related conceptual issues or historical background research.

WS 2006 12 x 2 h a theory course for BA design students. “design context” explaining the historical relationship between industrial design and technology. Beginning with the enlightenment, manufacture, Fordism, Taylorism, Marx, Freud, Bernays up to post-modernism and the consumption society. This course made local connections between those abstract ideas. Assessing assignments.

WS 2004 12 x 4 h introductory course to Macromedia Director, Shockwave. Basic principles of interaction design conventions, navigation, orientation, user expectations.

WS 2004 12 x 4 h introductory course into theory and practice of typography for designers. Historic development of type from Serif to Sans-Serif type and screen-based fonts. Exercise in semantic typography.

WS 2003 10 x 2 h “Web-Art” course for MA students in design. This included history, theory and practice of Web-Art and Code-Art as well as practice as above. Plagiarism & copyright.

1996 - 1999 As assistant to the professor of the digital media design class instruction of students in net work conventions, software applications, workflows and tutorials to create html pages. Theoretical background research and systematic and critical development of projects founded on a sound conceptual basis.

2000 - 2002 During professional practice responsibility for interns. These were advanced students from Design or Computer Sciences. These were instructed with great success, encouraged to make mistakes, find their own solutions and methods, and given own responsibilities step-by-step. Allowing them to present (and defend) their work to the clients.

last update: 9/5/02021 13:53

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