Creative VR Futures: Creative Arts & Sciences in Virtual Environments, Salford02005/07/22-23: This two day event organised by Paul Sermon was part of the Futuresonic Festival (please correct me if i am wrong) and took place at two different locations: Salford University's School of Art & Design (Day 1) and The Centre for Virtual Environments (Day 2) where David Roberts and students took over and gave us a thorough and insightful tour into their work (with miraculous patience, i may add). A special thanks to the students who invested their Saturday! |
School of Art & Design, Day One: Speakers were Horst Hoertner, Anthony Steed, Steve Benford, Ben Johnson, Maurice Benayoun, Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss, David Roberts and Paul Sermon. |
Anthony Steed presented UCL's stage of collaborative telepresence research and introduced their stance on "presence" research in immersive interactive environments. Anthony emphasised how difficult it was to measure "presence" but that observation was in some particular cases a very good method to capture it. One example was a virtual "hole" in the floor of a cave that many people instinctively avoided. Their data included skin-conductivity level measurements and frequency of heart beat rate. Participants confronted with the hole-in-the-ground reacted measurably. Anthony's groups main task is to find objective measures of presence and their methods include "Breaks in Presence" or BIPS where either drop out of the state of immersion or the state of attention are counted. |
Steve Benford from Nottingham presented the current stage of their research into games, performance and mixed realities e.g. "Uncle Roy." A person with a GPS / handheld device is guided/followed through an urban setting by a remote "leader" who gives instructions. The game has different goals that have to be achieved in a limited time. One of their insights gained is to use the imprecision or drop-outs of the GPS as a beneficial "uncertainty" factor. Once again a very clear and excellent presentation. |
Maurice Benayoun presented a wide variety of projects. His presentation was structured in an interesting way around key concepts that show up in his work. They reached from the ironic frozen feeling objects called "World Emotional Mapping" to their vast installation "World Skin" where the gaze through a telescope like device successively reveals panoramic views of cities. And currently also includes exhibitions concerning city planning and sustainability. |
There was still more going on, but i have no time to continue this text. |
The Centre for Virtual Environments, Day Two: David Roberts and students gave us guided tours through the Centre for Virtual Environments. |
Two amazing days of presentations and discussions:
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