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Program for 'Making Visible The Invisible'

We suggest you make your travel arrangements to arrive Wednesday evening. Events will last Friday late, so please schedule your departure for Saturday or even Sunday. March 13th 2011.

The aim of this conference is to start a conversation across disciplines. Central to the event will be conversations and debate into questions around interdisciplinary collaboration, data-visualisation and sustainability. The result of these discussions will be reported back to the main assembly, and initiate subsequent discussions. The aim is less to arrive at answers but to find shared concerns and explore the next relevant questions.

Invited keynotes - but no paper presentations. We are in the process of inviting distinguished keynote speakers from various background to present us with their perspectives.

Submissions will be considered for publication - after peer-review - and there is an opportunity to submit papers (7000 words) to a special edition of 'studies in culture and innovation' for peer-review.

Schedule of events:

THURSDAY March 10th 2011

08:30 Registration at Media Centre

09:00 Coffee & Conference Introduction

09:30 Sessions planning

11:00 Forming topic groups
11:30 Keynote talk by Mr. Luke Jerram: "At the edge of perception"
12:30 lunch

13:15 Topic groups

15:30 tea break
and smooth transition to
16:00 Reporting back

17:00 Keynote talk by Prof. Andrea Polli: "Who Owns The Air?"
18:00 light supper
18:45 ad hoc presentations & conversations

20:30 End of day/Drinks?

FRIDAY: March 11th, 2011

09:00 coffee
- Sessions planning

- Topic Groups
10:45 Reporting back

11:30 Keynote talk by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho: "Beauty & Truth in Science and Art"
12:30 lunch
13:15 Conversations
Topic Groups

15:45 tea break

16:00 Reporting back & wrap-up

17:00 leaving for St Paul's Hall

17:20 Drinks at St Paul's Hall

18:00 Final Keynote at St Pauls Hall by Prof. Ranulph Glanville: "Making invisible the visible."
19:00 Reflection on conference
19:45 conference ends

20:30 Conference Dinner at Oriental Kitchen (included in registration fee)

SATURDAY: Possible Day-trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park*
* Plane tickets may be considerably cheaper for delegates leaving Sunday.

Keynote speakers:

Ranulph Glanville, Mae-Wan Ho, Luke Jerram, Andrea Polli

last update: 4/1/02011 18:35

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