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Radiomap admin-tool

in realbasic

PHP, Hypertext Preprocessor, eine serverseitige, in HTML eingebettete Skriptsprache um dynamische Web-seiten zu generieren.

MySQL (structured query language), eine interactive programmiersprache um Daten aus einer Datenbank zu erhalten und auch einzugeben.

Structure of database:

stations, are the key node of the structure. All other items are set it relation to them.
M:1, many to one
1:M, one to many

Radiomap external sources:

Abstraction of communication / topology

PHP, Hypertext Preprocessor, a server-side, HTML embedded
scripting language to create dynamic Web pages.

MySQL, (structured query language) is an interactive programming
language for getting information from and updating a database.


Stream of x,y floats generated with Macromedia Director MX 2004
& trackthemcolors xtra

*, image analysis to reference picture is inherent
to the tracking xtra. Certain properties as brightness,
size and detection of colours are available functions.

Flow of station-search & motion of participants:

Abstraction of functions

The map compares the position of the POI to the closest
radio station in the database and sets the locationprovider's loc to the new position
of the POI as a result of "snapping."

letzte Änderungen: 7.1.02008 0:53

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