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Are "holistic overview", "insight", "global awareness", "feeling of interconnectedness" properties of "presence"??

I have identified the problem here, but haven't had the chance to write down my thoughts about it.

There are a lot of obfuscated, surprising and unclear factors about multimedia experience (which is good, not everything can or should be explained); to contrive terms like "presence" and "immersion" seems like a desperate attempt to tame those unbridled qualitative, soft and artistic tacit factors ... the quality without a name. Some ideas work - others do not.


"[an experience] “ that seems truly "natural," "immediate," "direct," and "real," a mediated experience that seems very much like it is not mediated; a mediated experience that creates for the user a strong sense of presence.”
Matthew Lombard, Theresa Ditton, (1997) "At the Heart of It All: The Concept of Presence; Temple University"


"Presence as immersion also includes a psychological component. When users feel immersive presence they are involved [(Palmer, 1995)], absorbed [(Quarrick, 1989)], engaged, engrossed. This psychological state typically is best measured via subject self-report (although observation of involved media users might also be a useful indicator). For example, a factor analysis of responses to items used by [Heeter (1995)] in a study of user reactions to consumer virtual reality systems resulted in an "involvement" factor containing the items "intense," "fun," "competitive," "addictive," and "exciting"; scores on this factor were the highest of all factors (8.7 out of 10)."

Deutsche Version in Arbeit.

Einige Notizen zu Medialität, Medium und sensorischen Modalitäten

Diese Sammlung zu "Medium" bedürfen einer eigenen Seite um dieses Verhältnis zu entwirren.

Ein link zu einer etymologisch-epistemologischen Analyse des Begriffs "Medium" von Wolfgang Hagen hier: (Vortrag auch als pdf)

Etymologie von 'presence' vorgenommen vom Presence Project
Eine ganz andere Herangehensweise mit dem 'A Presence Dictionary ebenfalls vom Presence Project.

letzte Änderungen: 14.8.02014 10:00

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